26 February 2012

Carnaval on the Pacific

Carnaval was quite the experience before I even left Quito. Colegio has a huge humdinger for the festivities leading up to Ash Wedneday including a week long campaign, dance, etc. for the "Carnaval Queen". Carnaval Queen is prom/homecoming queen on crack. I'm not sure I can to the craziness of it all justice, but a female student is chosen from the 10th, 11th, & 12th grades (cuartos in espanol, cuartos a sextos = 4th-6th, they count the grades differently)  by her classmates & she instantly becomes all the rage. Like every girl in South America, they are pretty, but these girls are exceptionally beautifull, tall, skinny, tan, long brown hair, the works. Oh, & really really rich. The cap on the campaign for these girls is $10,000 each. The dance was amazing; each class choreographed their own one hour musical with different themes (candyland, aladin, & circus). After the class did their dance, the queen candidate pops out of something for her grand entrance. SO the circus girl came out of a golden egg in the air, aladin girl popped out of a lamp with some fog, & candyland girl was on top of a house in a gumball machine made out of balloons & all the balloons came out & she was standing there. It was cool.

11th Graders, Aladin Theme

10th Graders, Candy Theme

We also get 2 days off school for Carnaval which is probably the best part. We went to the coast for the trip on a 12 hour bus ride to Ayampe, a small beach down that is the meca for surfers, gringos, & cute little Ecuadorian boys. It was exactly what I wanted & needed. There weren't many other people here & the hostal we stayed in was owned by a local family with a 9 yr old son. IT had an outside shower, hammock, a Cali surfer lifeguard, beds...all the essentials for a lovely night.  We got there around lunch time on Saturday & played on the beach, swam, & got really sunburnt.

Our first night in Ayampe at Sunset

yay ayampe! This is the main street that goes through the town

Across from Ayampe is an Island named after people who were hanged there. We were five of a just a few people there. We climbed on rocks, ate some dinner, then got up the next morning to run & do yoga on the beach. We swam, ate some delicious breakfast at a surf shop, & left for Montanita.

Beach Yoga

the island across from ayampe

As soon as we stepped off the bus (which had to stop half a mile away because of traffic) we were bombarded with spuma (foam spray) & humans. There were so many people here, more than PCB during spring break. It was ridiculous. We decided to stay one night rather than 2 so we could go back to relaxing in Ayampe. Montanita was fun, though. We danced almost all night with some other friends we made from Colorado in Ayampe. The bars were & discotecas were playing music until 9 a.m. so we didn't sleep much. We all woke up with glitter & foam all over us.

espuma attack

sooooo many people

The next day we ate another delicious breakfast, I took a hammock nap, then we went back to Ayampe. The little boys I befriended before I left were glad we came back. We'd played soccer with them so we were tight & they had brought me to their "excercise tree" which was just a branch they did pull-ups on & their "club house" which was a  big rock on the beach. This is one of my favorite moments from the trips so I have to go into detail. They asked me if I wanted to go to where we could see the clear water (all of this is in Spanish, mind you). Of course I agreed to go & they told me I could only come if I closed my eyes & let me lead me with their hands. We walked across the beach, over a bunch of rocks, & up a lava rock until we reached the top where I had to cheat climb with my eyes open. Then we made it to the top & the waves were crashing all around us, the 5 little boys were all sitting Lord of the Flies style looking out at the ocean & being quiet & still. We had a moment of pure serenity. When they decided it was time to go, we saw a big leaf bug & a bunch of crabs on their rock. I attemped to say something about the animals being in their club house, but they reminded me that "pacha mama" (mother earth) gave them the club house & the crabs & bugs were their friends in Ayampe. I loved these children. I plan to go back to Ayampe at the end of March mainly because of the beauty & love there.

a couple of my little boyfriends

our hostal

Monday in Ayampe consisted of me swimming a lot, playing in the sand, & throwing water baloons at surfers with the little boys. We are dinner at Tortuga, another hostal near ours. I had caprese salad, Peruvian pulpo (octpopus), fig & queso, & beer. That night we (everyone staying in the hostal, surfer dude, some local Ecuadorians, & the students from Colorado) sat around a bon fire on the beach drinkin' beer & exchanging stories. It was perfect. We flew back the next day rested, tan, & Carnavaled out. I love Ecuador.

sittin around in monta

playin with our little boys

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